Recently a Jamaican C-Suite executive came to me for some digital personal branding advice. She had achieved a lot in corporate so far, but wanted to do more but in a new direction. She was having one of those crossroads-come-to-Jesus moments in her life.
After some initial questions over breakfast, I asked her the one question, in fact, the only question that stumped her. I asked, “What do you want to be known for?” It took her a minute, then she said, “I’m going to have to think about that.” Yep, in fact, we all have to think about it for a while. That question has the same WTF face inducing power like being asked – What Do You Want? Why? Because few of us tend to ask ourselves these questions on a regular basis- which is also part of the problem, but I’ll save that for another post.
That said,once you allow that question to swirl around in your mind for a bit-when the answer does come to you, it’s a very beautiful and cart-wheel inspiring thing. Even more delicious, is when that answer comes from, the Abundant Universe/God/High showing you, reminding you of what you do so effortlessly and excellently. Reminding you, of the love affair with that thing that was always there, but got a bit lost, buried at times even, beneath the shoulds, those frickin’ obligations.
We have to realise though, that if we allow ourselves, yeah give ourselves permission to live the happy, fulfilling and successful life we want and deserve-then we have to align, no in fact. we have to embed ourselves in the belief and in the mission of becoming known for what we love.