I’ve been on the road traveling since October last year( I just wildly named it a few days ago, My Global Freedom and Friendship Tour-GFFT )…and one of the challenges I have is maintaining consistency with certain routines that are good for me, especially as I change environments regularly. I need to keep a positive and productive mental space.
The one thing I do 98% of the time is to start my day with meditation..at least 15mins, sometimes 30mins, if I feel a real n need for it. The other part of my day is spent being present and grateful and writing down what I am grateful for. I life to reflect on things that happened the day before, that week and relive them.
Now when I am traveling with only a carryon, I don’t have space for a journal. As a result I have been not been journaling much at all. I may grab a piece of paper here or there, but then that gets tossed or lost as I move around. Not good. And I used to poopoo on the idea of typing it out, as in my head I like going analog and putting pen to paper, because somehow I believe I felt more connected to the process. Plus having my journal on the road with me didn’t allow for much privacy compared to it being in a specific and known place in my apartment. So I was really challenged.
You see, I find that gratitude journaling what I am grateful for along the way, setting that mindset at the start of my day really made a helluva difference to the energy with which I approached the work I have to do that day. There is such magic when I focus on the good in your life, when I zone in on what is going right in my life, I attract more of the same.
Just this morning, a little tired of saying the things I am grateful for in my head, which is cool too, I asked myself…there has to be an App for that and why didn’t I think of that sooner. So I went Googling and having read through a few descriptions. I decided on and downloaded “Gratitude journal – private diary & daily quotes”. And I love it. It’s straight forward simple…limitless entries, you can add photos, set reminders and sign up for receiving inspiring quotes. I love it. And having gone through the process of reflection, typing in the entries…I still felt good, felt connected to the process. So if you need to journal on the road and have it close to you for ease of reference, especially when you may be having a particularly trying day, check it out, you may like it.