After a 3 year break, it feels good to be back on the speaking circuit, even though it’s all virtual. And this time around I’m being even more targeted in what I say yes to. Over the years, I’ve spoken at over 200 events across 4 continents.– from workshops, seminars, webinars, networking mixers, and conferences as a keynote speaker, panelist, and moderator. This time around, I’m focused on keynotes and on specific messages.
For the next year or so, I’m only going to be speaking on these three topics.
- Women in Tech/Women in Business – The Trends and How Women Can Succeed in the Tech Industry By Just Being Themselves.
- The Digital Trends and The Business & Investment Opportunities in the Caribbean and Diaspora.
- The New Caribbean emerging – that’s going digital, becoming more inclusive, embracing its fringes like Cannabis, and falling in love with itself again. And how Digital Media is at the centre, driving this change by disrupting old narratives and amplifying the riches in our Caribbean niches.
That’s it. I’m saying no to everything else.
And yes, it is selfishly…purposely aligned with what I know very well, what I’ve been living the past 15 years, and reflects what I am focused on for the next 10 years – with Rebel Grrl Media and Rebel Venture Studio.
My last three speaking engagements I really enjoyed doing and am happy that my virtual keynotes resonated.
I spoke at Startup Guadeloupe, then at the Women in Leadership Conference ( Trinidad), and then at a Dell Product Launch.

And I’m very happy that people found value in what I had to say. I’m looking forward to doing more keynotes from September to November. And I can’t wait till I get to do this again, face to face, in real life.